Brief Introduction about the History of the Brass Ball valve
Brass ball valve is crucial to the petroleum industry, water, electric power, chemical, paper, pharmaceuticals, food, steel and other fields. Brass ball valves are made of forged brass and consist of rings and a ball with a handle which can be moved mechanically to control the flow in the pipe. Both ends of the brass ball valve are of the same size and are compatible with PEX pipes and can be attached in crimp style or clamp style. Pipes can be soldered or threaded too.
Getting known of the importance of the brass ball valve today begins with its history and invention.
The modern brass ball valve was invented in 1967 or about 1957 according to different sources. The brass ball valve was a major advancement over plug valves used in the 20th century. The earliest brass ball valves were commercially available around 1967.
A spherical ball-type valve patented in 1871 may be the real invention of today's brass ball valve. But this ball valve didn't storm the market and was not mentioned in valve catalogs of the late 1800′s. While today’s brass ball valve is quite a recent invention. The first resilient seated brass ball valve patent was issued in April 1945.